Politics of Medical Education in India K S Jacob The impoverishment within the public health system is in stark contrast to the phenomenal rise of private healthcare, its international standards, medical tourism and its focus on servicing the rich. A meaningful change...
No Respite for Public Health T Sundararaman, Indranil Mukhopadhyay, V R Muraleedharan Economic and Political Weekly EPW Health allocations in Budget 2016–17, which show a modest increase in nominal terms, must be viewed against the virtual stagnation of allocations...
Universal health coverage for inclusive and sustainable development : a synthesis of 11 country case studies World Bank Abstract The goals of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) are to ensure that all people can access quality health services, to safeguard all people from...
Honouring the value of people in public health: a different kind of p-value David Bishai , Bull World Health Organ. 2015 When faced with a complex public health problem there is a natural urge to find solutions. We hire consultants, gather data, test hypotheses and...