Managing Childhood Under-Nutrition Role and Scope of Health Services Rajib Dasgupta et al Economic & Political Weekly EPW april 21, 2012 vol xlviI no 16 This study provides insights to some of the key functions of the Integrated Child Development Scheme and...
Falling Between Two Stools: Operational Inconsistencies between ICDS and NRHM in the Management of Severe Malnutrition V PRASAD, D SINHA AND S SRIDHAR INDIAN PEDIATRICS 181 VOLUME 49 MARCH 16, 2012 Abstract There has been a welcome interest in the issue of...
Parallel systems and human resource management in India’s public health services : a view from the front lines Abstract La Forgia et al, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2014 There is building evidence in India that the delivery of health services...
Falling Between Two Stools: Operational Inconsistencies between ICDS and NRHM in the Management of Severe Malnutrition V PRASAD, D SINHA AND S SRIDHAR INDIAN PEDIATRICS 181 VOLUME 49 MARCH 16, 2012 Abstract There has been a welcome interest in the issue of...
Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding among Malnourished Children in nutritional Rehabilitation Centres of Karnataka, India: Missed Opportunities Prashant G. Bhat et al PLOS One Background Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is the most serious form of malnutrition...