Moving to Universal Coverage? Trends in the Burden of Out-Of-Pocket Payments for Health Care across Social Groups in India, 1999–2000 to 2011–12 Anup Karan,Sakthivel Selvaraj, Ajay Mahal August 15, 2014, PLOS One Abstract In the background of ongoing health sector...
Equity in the utilzation of healthcare services in India: evidence from National Sample Survey Soumitra Ghosh Int J Health Policy Manag 2014, 2(1), 29–38 Abstract Background: The pursuit of equity in health and healthcare has been the key feature of health policy in...
Changes in addressing inequalities in access to hospital care in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra states of India: a difference-in-differences study using repeated cross-sectional surveys Mala Rao et al June 2014 BMJ Open Objectives To compare the effects of the Rajiv...
What a difference a state makes : health reform in Andhra Pradesh Bergkvist, Sofi et al World Bank Working Paper Series, 2014 Abstract In the mid-2000s, India began rolling out large-scale, publicly-financed health insurance schemes mostly targeting the poor. This...
1. 1. Universal Health Coverage in India Gita Sen India’s steps towards universal health coverage began in the early years after Independence but they faltered because of various factors, including resource constraints. The context has vastly changed since then...