With an allocation of Rs.33,152 crore for health, the government will barely be able to keep the existing healthcare programmes operational. The ambitious National Health Assurance Mission (NHAM), which was supposed to provide citizens basic healthcare services, is...
For more than love or money: attitudes of student and in-service health workers towards rural service in India. Sudha Ramani, Krishna D Rao, Mandy Ryan, Marko Vujicicand Peter Berman Human Resources for Health 2013, 11:58 Abstract Background While international...
Demand-side financial incentive (DSF) is an emerging strategy to improve health seeking behavior and health status in many low- and middle-income countries. This narrative synthesis assessed the demand- and supply-side effects of DSF. Forty one electronic data...
Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper Developing Strategies for Improving Health Care Delivery: A User’s Guide to Concepts, Determinants, Measurement, and Intervention Design Elizabeth H. Bradley, Sarah Pallas, Chhitj Bashyal, Leslie Curry, Peter...
Healthcare through Community Participation- Role of ASHA’s Sujay R Joshi , Mathew George EPW,Issue : VOL 47 No. 10 March 10 – March 16, 2012 This study of the operation of the Accredited Social Health Activist programme of the National Rural Health Mission...