Dear All PFA “A Systematic Review on the State of Economic Evaluation for Health Care in India” which we published recently in the Applied Health Economic and Health Policy. In this paper we review the existing evidence, evaluate its quality and look at...
Dear Members, You are being sent the following email because of your involvement in health policy and systems research. The Teaching and Learning Health Policy and Systems Research Thematic Working Group of Health Systems Global in collaboration with the World Health...
YouTube Videos of the seminar “The Future of Health Policy & Systems Research (HPSR) in India: Knowledge for Systems Transformation” The seminar was organized by the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) in its capacity as the Nodal Institute for...
Dear all, Please find attached an article examining different aspects of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana. With regards, Soumitra Ghosh Soumitra Ghosh, PhD Assistant Professor Centre for Health Policy, Planning and Management School of Health Systems Studies Tata...
Incidence and correlates of ‘catastrophic’ maternal health care expenditure in India Sekhar Bonu, Indu Bhushan, Manju Rani and Ian Anderson Abstract Using data from the 60th round of the National Sample Survey of India (2004), the study investigates the incidence and...