WHO Mental Health Atlas 2011

WHO Mental Health Atlas 2011 The WHO Mental Health Atlas 2011 represents the latest estimate of global mental health resources available to prevent and treat mental disorders and help protect the human rights of people living with these conditions. It presents data...

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Oppurtunities in Orissa

Dear Friends Univesity Reseach Company, Bethesda,USA ( is bidding for a DFID RFP in Orrisa. They equire Short Profiles / CVs of middle and senior level professionals, who might be inteested in Full time / Short term assignments in the follwoing aeas....

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Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2011

Dear all, The MoEF has notified the new Draft Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to replace the earlier Rules (1998) and the amendments thereof. The darft Rules are notified for information of the...

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