Central scheme of free drugs gets a quiet burial

It was in 2012 that the Centre first promised to provide free drugs in public health facilities. The first budgetary provision was made in 2013. Last year, the promise was crystallized to providing 348 essential drugs free. This was later whittled down to just 50...

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T N Ninan: Don’t subsidise, build

Most relatively well-off Indians have got used to the idea of taking out medical insurance policies in order to take care of possible health episodes. It has been a rapidly growing business, doubling in four or five years. The annual insurance premium was estimated...

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A nationwide capacity building in HPSR

A nationwide capacity building in HPSR

KEYSTONE is a collective initiative of several Indian health policy and systems research (HPSR) organizations to strengthen national capacity in HPSR towards addressing critical needs of health systems and policy development. KEYSTONE is convened by the Public Health...

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Tackling sexual violence in India

By Jacqueline Bhaba, Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health I read Sharma et al.’s recent paper ‘Sexual violence in India: addressing gaps between policy and implementation’ with interest. The death of “Nirbhaya”, the...

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