National survey of organisations engaged in Health Policy & Systems Research (HPSR)

The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), in partnership with the Health Systems Research Initiative India (HSRII) is undertaking a survey of organizations engaged in Health Policy & Systems Research (HPSR) in India. Representatives of organisations in India engaged in the conduct of Health Policy & Systems Research, are invited to participate in this simple survey on behalf of their organisation. The survey seeks information about activities in the field of HPSR that have been, or are being undertaken by your organisation.

Please complete the SURVEY FORM and return it by email to with a copy to by 5th March 2014.

Before you decide to take part, it is important that you understand why the study is being conducted and what it will involve. If you wish to take part, your consent will be required.

Please also read the PARTICIPANT INFORMATION FORM and follow the instructions regarding providing written informed consent.

Please feel free to contact Dr. Aditi Bana ( or Dr. Muhammed Shaffi ( in case of any questions or clarifications.

With thanks in anticipation of your participation and support for the initiative,

Best wishes

Dr Kabir Sheikh                                                             Dr Muhammed Shaffi

Senior Research Scientist,                                               Chairman,

Public Health Foundation of India                               Health Systems Research India Initiative