Dear Modeartor

I got published one book titled

health. care in Orissa

Issues of Public Financing and Service Delivery An Explanatory Study


Sarit Kumar Rout

Publisher- Academic Foundation in collaboration with Observer Research Foundation , New Delhi

About The Book

This book systematically examines the efforts initiated to improve the health care system in a poor state like Orissa. This makes an in depth review of public policy on health care, analyses public expenditure and examines the nature and quality of services provided in the health care institutions of the state. While there have been plethora of literature on macro health analysis a few studies so far have looked in to resource flow and service delivery issues particularly in the context of tribal and backward regions of the country. This study provides fillip to the existing void in the public health literature. In spite of constrains in collection and triangulation of district disaggregated information on public health expenditure this study has made a pioneering effort to analyze the funds flow in two sample districts of Orissa. Analyzing the funds flow and institutional mechanism at the district level this study presents the ground reality vis a vis policy stances of the government. The evidence on nature of health care system, institutional structure and financing pattern will provide inputs for better designing of health policy as well as effective implementation of programmes.

Can you Kindly post it for benefit of the whole group?


Sarit Kumar Rout


New Delhi

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