Aarogyasri Healthcare Model:Advantage Private Sector EPW Article

Aarogyasri Healthcare Model:Advantage Private Sector 2011 vol xlvi no 49 EPW Economic & Political Weekly Rajan Shukla, Veena Shatrugna, R Srivatsan Andhra Pradesh’s Aarogyasri programme has placed health on the political map in the state and is popular with the...

An article on health equity policy processes in India

Int J Equity Health. 2011 Nov 18;10(1):55. Challenges and opportunities for policy decisions to address health equity in developing health systems: case study of the policy processes in the Indian state of Orissa. Gopalan SS, Mohanty S, Das A. ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION:...

Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy: A Critique EPW Article

Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy: A Critique Sakthivel Selvaraj,et al Abstract The recently announced draft National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy 2011 fails to ensure accessible and affordable medicines for all in India. This is due to the limited scope and market-based...

India UHC Costing Paper

  The attached article which we recently published in PLoS One deals with costing of a universal health care based on IPHS services package. Hope this provides some empirical estimates and adds to the debate, especially in the wake of calls for universal health...

Innovating Tuberculosis Control in India

  Innovating Tuberculosis Control in India Nora Engel , Wiebe Bijker Tuberculosis or tb is a very serious problem in India and worldwide, and generally lacks attention in the public domain. Scientists, medical doctors, health staff and community workers make...