What a difference a state makes : health reform in Andhra Pradesh

What a difference a state makes : health reform in Andhra Pradesh Bergkvist, Sofi et al World Bank Working Paper Series, 2014 Abstract In the mid-2000s, India began rolling out large-scale, publicly-financed health insurance schemes mostly targeting the poor. This...

Making fair choices on the path to universal health coverage

Making fair choices on the path to universal health coverage:Final report of the WHO Consultative Group on Equity and Universal Health Coverage WHO 2014 Overview Since 2010, more than one hundred countries have requested policy support and technical advice for...

Access to medicines from a health system perspective;HPP Article

Access to medicines from a health system perspective Maryam Bigdeli et al Health Policy and Planning Advance Access published November 22, 2012 Most health system strengthening interventions ignore interconnections between systems components. In particular, complex...