Regulatory architecture of mixed health systems

SUMMARY LMIC Mixed Health Systems: mixed health care systems in low and middle income countries are distinguished by significant heterogeneity in types of establishments and providers, a dominant unorganized private sector, and inefficiencies in government delivery of...

WHO Report on Disability

New World Report Shows More Than 1 Billion People with Disabilities Face Substantial Barriers in Their daily Lives NEW YORK –The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank today revealed new global estimates that more than one billion people experience some...

Lancet: Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis

Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis   Summary The UN High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in September, 2011, is an unprecedented opportunity to create a sustained global movement against premature death and preventable...

Global status report on non-communicable diseases 2010: WHO Report

Global status report on non-communicable diseases 2010 World Health Organization April 2011 Abstract This report sets out the statistics, evidence and experiences needed to launch a more forceful response to the growing threat posed by non-communicable diseases (NCD)....