T N Ninan: Don’t subsidise, build

Most relatively well-off Indians have got used to the idea of taking out medical insurance policies in order to take care of possible health episodes. It has been a rapidly growing business, doubling in four or five years. The annual insurance premium was estimated...

Concern over private sector tilt in India’s new health policy

The Indian Government’s draft national health policy, which many experts view as a step away from universal health coverage, is out for public consultation. Dinesh C Sharma reports.The much-awaited health policy of India’s right-wing Government, which took...
A nationwide capacity building in HPSR

A nationwide capacity building in HPSR

KEYSTONE is a collective initiative of several Indian health policy and systems research (HPSR) organizations to strengthen national capacity in HPSR towards addressing critical needs of health systems and policy development. KEYSTONE is convened by the Public Health...

Posting and transfer holds clues to the health of health services

By Kabir Sheikh A contract health worker is posted in a remote health post, 700 km away from where his spouse and children live. He sees them once a year, using up most of his annual leave of 18 days, in travel. He has been applying unsuccessfully to be posted closer...